School and Nursing Home Combine Outing

Following our postal display and our discussions about the mail system, we joined children from Norton Primary School on a visit to the Royal Mail sorting office in Bury St Edmunds to learn what goes on behind the scenes and how our letters arrive at our doorstep. Over 20 children from Norton Primary School’s Reception ‘Star’ class visited the Bury St Edmunds sorting office as part of this half term’s work on “The Jolly Postman”, a book by Allan Ahlberg.

We were treated to a one hour tour with post office staff around the sorting office exploring how mail is sorted and organized before it is then collected by the local postmen and delivered to their door! As part of their school project, the children wrote letters to parents at their own address which they posted whilst on the trip, for them to be sorted and delivered back to the by their local postman.

We would like to thank everyone from Norton Primary involved in the planning of the trip and to the team at the Bury St Edmunds Royal Mail Sorting Office for facilitating such an interesting trip for all involved. The outing was a huge success, and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

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