Feedback and Complaints

We take feedback about our service very seriously

If you are dissatisfied or want to make a comment about any aspect of our service there are a number of routes you can use to tell us about your views:

Use the comments boxes placed around the home
Come to our regular resident and relative meetings
Raise any issue at any time with any member of staff
Contact the senior member of staff who is on duty
Contact the independent Whistleblowing Helpline 08000 724725

Submit a Formal Complaint

If you remain dissatisfied or would prefer to make a formal complaint a summary of our process is set out below. A record of all complaints is maintained by the home and is reviewed by Stow Healthcare Company Directors on a monthly basis.

  • Please put your complaint in writing to, or raise it verbally with, the Home Manager
  • We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 working days
  • A senior member of staff will investigate all complaints as quickly as possible
  • We will meet with you if you wish to discuss your complaint
  • If dissatisfied, you may appeal to the Company Directors to review the complaint
  • If you remain unhappy, contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

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View a full copy of our complaints procedure

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