Miss and Mrs Ford – A Beautiful Competition!

Wow – what a special day our home had in November, with our very own Miss and Mr Ford contest! An amazing opportunity for residents and staff alike to don their finery and compete in a number of different categories, as they strut their stuff through a beautiful arch of balloons in the home. Resident Joy came up with the idea and Karen, Matt and Silvia took charge of getting the details right read for judges Alison and Alex (from the group office) to cast votes on the winners.

It was just wonderful to see the smiling faces and the huge efforts that people had gone to to get out their finery and really dress to impress! Awards given out included best dressed male and female, best hair and best make up. Flowers were received by all our deserving winners. It was such a memorable day and Silvia even managed to create a photo-video of the day for residents to watch back and enjoy! Well done to Joy for her clever idea!

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